Social Impacts Module (SIM) Transition

Abstract : The Social Impact Module (SIM) is a discrete event simulation developed and implemented using Java SimKit Libraries. Fiscal year 2012 guidance from the Director of the Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) Analysis Center (TRAC) stated that SIM would be transitioned from TRAC-Monterey (MTRY) to TRAC-White Sands Missile Range (WSMR). The transition occurred over a series of milestones than began with defining requirements and ended with the delivery of three software versions. TRAC-WSMR, the primary stakeholder, and TRAC-MTRY, the model provider, worked in concert to ensure development adhered to written specifications. At the conclusion of SIM Transition, TRAC-WSMR owned SIM, a fully functional model that simulates population responses, key leader engagements, and social network activity. Throughout FY12, developers improved model functionality, stabilizing the models for use in TRAC's Irregular Warfare Tactical Wargame (IW TWG). Through rigorous testing, the team verified that model outputs are traceable back to initialization data in the scenario file. Additionally, model documentation ensured that SIM is explainable by the analyst employing the model for the TWG use case.