This paper examines the age, place of manufacture and cultural significance of clay tobacco pipes found on two Aboriginal shell middens at Corroboree Beach, Fraser Island south-east Queensland. Although clay pipes are often found in European archaeological sites in Australia, surprisingly few detailed analyses of these items have been published. As such, the methodological approach taken in this paper will be of interest to those analysing clay pipes in other archaeological contexts. Furthermore, the study represents the first detailed analysis of this class of European material culture from Aboriginal 'contact' sites in Queensland, and indeed one of very few for other parts of Australia (see Coutts et al. 1977:195). Following recent interest in the archaeology of nineteenth century Aboriginal-European interaction in Australia (e.g. Rhodes 1990, 1995; Birmingham 1992; Layton l992:89-113), our paper reveals the potential of clay tobacco pipes to shed light on some of the economic and social dimensions of Aboriginal life on the colonial frontier.
E. Corti,et al.
A History Of Smoking
J. Devitt.
Fraser Island : Aboriginal resources and settlement patterns
M. Kelly.
A practical reference source to radiocarbon dates obtained from archaeological sites in Queensland
D. Parsons,et al.
Impact of European Settlement on Aboriginal Society in Western Victoria
F. Williams.
Written in Sand: A History of Fraser Island
D. Thomson.
76. Notes on the Smoking-Pipes of North Queensland and the Northern Territory of Australia
C. Macknight,et al.
The voyage to Marege
I. McNiven.
Aboriginal archaeology of the Corroboree Beach dune field, Fraser Island: Re-survey and re-assessment
Derek John Mulvaney.
The prehistory of Australia
Adrian Oswald.
The Archaeology and Economic History of English Clay Tobacco Pipes
Reports of the Cambridge anthropological expedition to Torres straits, Volume II: Physiology and psychology, Part II: Hearing, smell, taste, cutaneous sensations, muscular sense, variations of blood-pressure, reaction-times
Elizabeth Donnan.
Documents illustrative of the history of the slave trade to America
A. Oswald,et al.
London Clay Tobacco Pipes