Integrated High Performance Distributed System.
Abstract : The objective of the Integrated High Performance Distributed System (IHPDS) project is to design, implement, and demonstrate a distributed programming environment that will integrate and support very high bandwidth networks with heterogeneous computer architectures, including parallel and specialized processors, and that will support multiple programming models. The IHPDS project is developing the Photon distributed programming environment to meet the emerging needs of distributed application programmers. Photon provides an object-oriented programming model. This provides users with a consistent view of all services while insulating the user from the implementation details of those services. This enforcement of modularity and the separation of policy and mechanism make the object model a powerful way to build large-scale, distributed applications. Photon is a distributed computing environment that supports distributed application development across heterogeneous machine architectures and programming languages. It is particularly targeted to support the needs of high performance applications. Photon not only supports applications whose components are located within a single local area network, but also supports applications whose components are widely dispersed geographically.