Broadcasting in Bounded Degree Graphs

Broadcasting is an information dissemination process in which a message is to be sent from a single originator to all members of a network by placing calls over the communication lines of the network. Several previous papers have investigated methods to construct sparse graphs (networks) in which this process can be completed in minimum time from any originator. The graphs produced by these methods contain high degree vertices. [Liestman and Peters, SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 1 (1988), pp. 531–540 ] and [Bermond and Peyrat, Proceedings of the 19th SE Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Computing, Congressus Numerantium, 1988, pp. 283–292] began an investigation of graphs with fixed maximum degree in which broadcasting can be completed in near minimum time. This investigation is continued in this paper by giving lower bounds and constructing bounded degree graphs that allow rapid broadcasting. The constructions use ideas developed by Jerrum and Skyum [IEEE Transactions on Computers, C-...