Understanding enactivism: a study of affordances and constraints of engaging practicing teachers as digital game designers

This study is intended to deepen our understanding of enactivism, an emergent theoretical paradigm, through empirical exploration of teacher undertakings as digital game creators. Specifically, it explores the affordances and constraints, two important enactivism concepts, of practicing teachers’ experiences in designing and developing games for instructional purposes. This paper is guided by the following questions: what were the affordances perceived by the teachers in their design and building experience, and how did they enact to these affordances? What constraints presented challenges to teachers in the process? This is a case study focusing on capturing and interpreting teachers’ experiences and thinking resulting from game creation and sharing. Data are collected from practicing teachers who enrolled in a graduate course. A significant finding of this study is that the game design and building experience afforded opportunities for teachers to re-conceptualize pedagogy and teaching practice. Implications for design and limitations of the study are also discussed.

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