Development Of Student Worksheets Based On Discovery Learning To Improve Student Mathematical Problem Solving Ability In Class X Senior High School

The results of preliminary studies show that students problem solving ability is still low. This is due to a lack of learning resources, students are less active in the learning process, and are not used to working on problems in the form of problem solving. Therefore, learning tools based on discovery learning are expected to improve student mathematical problem solving ability. This research is a development research by adapting the development model of Plomp. Plomp consists of three phases, which are preliminary research, prototype phase, and assessment phase. The preliminary research stage consist of needs analysis, curriculum analysis, student characteristics analysis, and concept analysis. In the prototype phase, worksheet developed based on discovery learning, then doing formative evaluation includes self evaluation, expert rivew, one to one evaluation, and small group evaluation to determine the validity and practicality of the product. In the assessment phase doing an assessment with limited practicality and effectiveness for students class X SMAN 1 Panyabungan. Practical data is obtained from the teacher's practicality questionnaire, and the students practicality questionnaire. Effectiveness data obtained from student learning outcomes in the form of a final test to see students mathematical problem solving ability. The results of the studies show that worksheet based on discovery learning are valid in terms of content and constructs. Practical because it is easy to use and understand, the allocation determined is very efficient, interesting, and contributes to learning. Based on the results of the test of students mathematical problem solving ability with an average completeness is 84.34%, it indicates that learning device is effective in improving students mathematical problem solving ability