Rotational Analyses of Laser Induced Amplified Spontaneous Emission in the E2Σ+(v = 1), D2Σ+(v = 5), L2Π(v = 2), B2Π(v = 21), and F2Δ(v = 0) States of NO
Amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) from single rotational levels of Rydberg states, E2Σ+(v = 1), D2Σ+(v = 5), and F2Δ(v = 0), as well as valence states, L2Π(v = 2) and B2Π(v = 21), of NO molecules has been investigated. These states were populated through optical−optical double resonance excitation via the A2Σ+(v‘ = 0 and 1) states. ASE excitation spectra exhibited an excellent signal-to-noise ratio, demonstrating a high potential of the laser induced ASE (LIASE) technique as a novel spectroscopic technique for the study of excited states of small molecules. The rotational structure in dispersed ASE spectra have been fully resolved, which resulted in detailed information on the radiative ASE relaxation processes down to the A2Σ+ state.