Improving the Locating Precision of an Active WIFI RFID System to Obtain Traceability of Patients in a Hospital

It is a challenge to integrate RFID technology into the healthcare sector to increase security by obtaining traceability of patients during their hospital stay. In this case, RFID provides arange of technical architectures for implementing an RFID system. The installation or use of the WIFI network available in a hospital is a possible element in system design since a priori with a correct configuration of RFID components, excellent results in location accuracy can be obtained over other architectures available in the market. The accuracy of RFID Aeroscout WIFI system can be improved with the installation of exciters. These are components that assist the localisation engine in calculating the location of an active RFID tag WIFI. The precision offered by the localisation engine depends on multiple configurable parameters set by the engineers responsible for the design and development of an active RFID WIFI system.