Evaporation and Transpiration

KOIDZUMI,S in his investigation of the flora of Oriental Asia, has published 6i new species, including a new genus of Liliaceae (Brachycirtis) and of Gramineae (Ckikzsichloa). BRAINERD6 has published a full and well illustrated account of 82 natural violet hybrids. The plants studied have been secured from all parts of the United States and some provinces in Canada, transplanted at Middlebury, Vermont, and kept under experimental control. The results and conclusions are of great interest in connection with the problems of inheritance and limitations of species. McNAIR7 has investigated the taxonomy of "poison ivy" in great detail, and has reached the conclusion that many of the new species proposed during recent years are synonymous. He recognizes only four species of Rhins included in the poison ivy group, and has described them in detail, with full synonymy and collections. This certainly reduces a very long list of specific names to synonymns. The species recognized are R. quercifolia, R. diversiloba, R. Toxicodendron, and R. divaricata. NANNFELDT8 has revised a section (Asiaticae) of Centelia, a tropical genus of Umbelliferae, recognizing ii species, 3 of which are described as new, and 4 transferred. FITZPATRICK9 has made a critical study of the Pyrenomycete genus Fracchiaea occurring on branches of many trees, recognizing i6 species. ST. JOHN and PARKERTO have described a new subgenus (Altericarex) of Carex, distinguished by having four stigmas and a 4-angled achene, which includes the new section Tetragonae, containing one species (C. concinnoides) of western North America.-J. M. C.