A unified error analysis for spatial discretizations of wave-type equations with applications to dynamic boundary conditions
This thesis provides a unified framework for the error analysis of non-conforming space discretizations of linear wave equations in time-domain, which can be cast as symmetric hyperbolic systems or second-order wave equations. Such problems can be written as first-order evolution equations in Hilbert spaces with linear monotone operators. We employ semigroup theory for the well-posedness analysis and to obtain stability estimates for the space discretizations. To compare the finite dimensional approximations with the original solution, we use the concept of a lift from the discrete to the continuous space. Time integration with the Crank–Nicolson method is analyzed. In this framework, we derive a priori error bounds for the abstract space semi-discretization in terms of interpolation and discretization errors. These error bounds yield previously unkown convergence rates for isoparametric finite element discretizations of wave equations with dynamic boundary conditions in smooth domains. Moreover, our results allow to consider already investigated space discretizations in a unified way. Here it successfully reproduces known error bounds. Among the examples which we dicuss in this thesis are discontinuous Galerkin discretizations of Maxwell’s
equations and finite elements with mass lumping for the scalar wave equation.