A modelling framework for the study of highly distributed power systems and demand side management

This paper presents an approach to the modelling and simulation of highly distributed power systems, in the context of existing UK distribution networks. The model is part of a framework to assess the network impact of high-penetrations of micro-generation, as well as demand side management (DSM) measures. This framework supports the representation of the 11 kV and low voltage distribution network within a geospatial model, together with an integrated load-flow computational capability. A domestic electricity demand model is incorporated within the framework that generates synthetic demand profiles within the network. The framework is used to investigate the impact of distributed generation for a case study of a regional UK town, together with the surrounding villages and rural locale. The scope includes primary distribution substations, 11 kV feeders and a low-voltage distribution network, serving approximately 35 000 domestic properties and commercial premises. This case study also includes the measurement of minute-by-minute residential electricity usage within a number of individual domestic houses and distribution sub-stations.