Partnering to Change the Way NASA and the Nation Communicate Through Space

For at least 20 years, the Space Communications Program at NASA Glenn Research Center (GRC) has focused on enhancing the capability and competitiveness of the U.S. commercial communications satellite industry. GRC has partnered with the industry on the development of enabling technologies to help maintain U.S. preeminence in the worldwide communications satellite marketplace. The Advanced Communications Technology Satellite (ACTS) has been the most significant space communications technology endeavor ever performed at GRC, and the centerpiece of GRC's communication technology program for the last decade. Under new sponsorship from NASA's Human Exploration and Development of Space Enterprise, GRC has transitioned the focus and direction of its program, from commercial relevance to NASA mission relevance. Instead of one major experimental spacecraft and one headquarters sponsor, GRC is now exploring opportunities for all of NASA's Enterprises to benefit from advances in space communications technologies, and accomplish their missions through the use of existing and emerging commercially provided services. A growing vision within NASA is to leverage the best commercial standards, technologies, and services as a starting point to satisfy NASA's unique needs. GRC's heritage of industry partnerships is closely aligned with this vision. NASA intends to leverage the explosive growth of the telecommunications industry through its impressive technology advancements and potential new commercial satellite systems. GRC's partnerships with the industry, academia, and other government agencies will directly support all four NASA's future mission needs, while advancing the state of the art of commercial practice. GRC now conducts applied research and develops and demonstrates advanced communications and network technologies in support of all four NASA Enterprises (Human Exploration and Development of Space, Space Science, Earth Science, and Aero-Space Technologies).