The Mars Infrared MApper (MIMA) is a FT-IR miniaturized spectrometer which is being developed for ESA ExoMars Pasteur mission. MIMA will be mounted on the rover mast and so it must be compact and light-weight. The scientific goals and its optical design are presented in two companion papers [1] [2]; the focus of this work is on the thermomechanical design and testing. The instrument design faces challenging constraints both from the expected environment and the allocated resources. The temperatures during operation are expected to be from -120 °C to +30 °C with the presence of a low density but thermally effective atmosphere. Severe dynamic loads are foreseen during launch and moreover at landing on Mars. The overall size is limited to an envelope of 140 mm x 140 mm x 120 mm and the mass to less than 1 kg. The expected performances of this instrument should be comparable with those of much heavier ones built in the past. An instrument compliant with these constraints has been conceived, introducing many innovative solution with respect to the past experiences and making use of intensive modeling and testing to prove the survival to the harsh environment. Among the most challenging problems the mounting of the brittle KBr optics and the matching of its thermal expansion coefficient with that of the supporting aluminium structure, in a temperature interval of more than 200 °C. Most of the components have undergone thermovacuum tests in the low temperature range because none of them was expected to be used in the -100 °C range.
B. Saggin,et al.
MIMA, a miniaturized Fourier infrared spectrometer for Mars ground exploration: Part I. Concept and expected performance
SPIE Remote Sensing.
G. Mehall,et al.
Miniature Thermal Emission Spectrometer on the Mars Exploration Rovers
Giuseppe A. Marzo,et al.
MIMA, a miniaturized Fourier spectrometer for Mars ground exploration: Part II. Optical design
SPIE Remote Sensing.
Giovanni Moschioni,et al.
Experimental characterisation and modelling of a pyroelectric sensor
SPIE Remote Sensing.
D. L. Anderson,et al.
Thermal emission spectrometer experiment: Mars Observer mission
Thomas E. Wolverton,et al.
Miniature Thermal Emission Spectrometer for the Mars Exploration Rovers
P. Orleanski,et al.
The Planetary Fourier Spectrometer ( PFS )
T R Gentile,et al.
Calibration of a pyroelectric detector at 10.6 microm with the National Institute of Standards and Technology high-accuracy cryogenic radiometer.
Applied optics.