Novel ultralow R/sub on/ MBE GaAs MESFET's for high-frequency high-temperature switched-mode power converter applications

This paper reports on the theoretical and experimental results of novel ultra-low on-resistance (R/sub on/) GaAs MESFET's fabricated using Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE). Lateral GaAs MESFET's with drain-source breakdown voltage V/sub DB/>30 V and specific on-state resistance R/sub sp/<0.13 m/spl Omega/-cm/sup 2/ were fabricated using novel refractory metal gate and layered ohmic contact technologies in which all GaAs layers were grown using MBE. The measured R/sub on/ performance is in good agreement with simple calculations made from device design and doping parameters and represents the highest electrical conductivity obtained for a power semiconductor device in this VDB rating. These devices are useful in developing 5 V power supplies with switching frequencies in excess of 100 MHz for application in the next generation of information processing and computing systems.