Evaluation of a combined dexamethasone suppression/ACTH stimulation test in dogs with hyperadrenocorticism.

Twenty-one dogs with hyperadrenocorticism were studied. Six dogs had functioning adrenocortical tumors and 15 had pituitary-dependent hyperadrenocorticism. Each dog was evaluated, using endogenous plasma ACTH, ACTH stimulation, dexamethasone screening, dexamethasone suppression, and combined dexamethasone suppression/ACTH stimulation tests. The ACTH stimulation portion of the combined test was less reliable as a screening test in diagnosing hyperadrenocorticism than was the isolated ACTH stimulation test or the dexamethasone screening test. The dexamethasone suppression portion of the combined test was less reliable in distinguishing dogs with adrenocortical tumors from those with pituitary-dependent hyperadrenocorticism than was the endogenous ACTH or isolated dexamethasone suppression test. The combined test is not recommended for use. The ACTH stimulation test is the recommended screening test because of its diagnostic reliability and its subsequent importance as a base line in determining success of mitotane therapy.