Web-Based material properties and knowledge database - Support for design of efficient and lightweight products
Proper selection of the material is one of the most important design decisions which must be made during the product development. Supporting information on material parameters can be found in a wide variety of literature sources such as articles, books, standards and dissertations. Due to the limited availability, nature of their origin and different forms and formats in which data are reported in the literature, virtually no methods for their inquiry and comparison exist. Furthermore, a significant number of experimental results that are published in specialized and/or scientific publications, for the most part remain unknown and inaccessible to the majority of users from the industry. In case that experimental characterization cannot be performed, material selection can be improved by increasing the availability, searchability and comparability of knowledge on material behaviour. For this purpose, a web-based information system has been established, consisting of a searchable and expandable database, containing properties of design-relevant metallic materials. Further planned activities include the development of a knowledge-based expert system for the selection and implementation of methods for the estimation of advanced material parameters (cyclic, fatigue) from their monotonic properties such as hardness and ultimate strength.