Fant-AS-STIC «Les temps du document numérique», AS-95 - RTP DOC STIC CNRS - Rapport d'activités

L'AS Fant-AS-STIC est nee de la volonte de chercheurs du departement STIC, venus d'horizons divers, de federer leurs interrogations sur « les temps du document numerique ». Ces interrogations emanaient d'utilisateurs « privilegies », comme les bibliothecaires, de fournisseurs de ressources, comme l'INA, d'experts aux besoins specifiques, comme les archeologues, d'informaticiens, comme les concepteurs de documents multimedia ou les equipes qui travaillent sur les contenus multimedia, etc. Le document est un objet inscrit dans le temps et l'espace. Sa « dematerialisation », dissociant l'information vehiculee du support materiel, amene les communautes evoquees ci-dessus a se poser explicitement des questions jusqu'alors occultees. Tout document numerique, contrairement au document lie a son support materiel (papier, film,...), peut evoluer au gre des annotations de ses lecteurs, des liens que l'on peut etablir avec ses contextes. Le document acquiert donc une certaine dynamicite, de son emergence a son exploitation. Parallelement, se pose la question des collections documentaires. Le support numerique fait tomber les cloisons traditionnelles : on peut assembler « numeriquement » des documents d'une grande variete. Les caracteristiques d'une collection sont desormais liees davantage a l'objectif qui a conduit a leur constitution qu'a des criteres formels. De plus, ces collections evoluent necessairement. Au dela de la diversite des collections, de l'heterogeneite formelle des documents qui les constituent, nous avons cherche a degager les dimensions temporelles communes qui permettent de reorganiser documents et collections numeriques.

[1]  James F. Allen Maintaining knowledge about temporal intervals , 1983, CACM.

[2]  Masahiro Fujita,et al.  Tokio: Logic Programming Language Based on Temporal Logic and its Compilation to Prolog , 1986, ICLP.

[3]  Peter King,et al.  Modelling Reactive Multimedia : Events and Behaviours , 1999 .

[4]  Peter Robinson,et al.  User Models and User Physical Capability , 2002, User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction.

[5]  Jocelyne Nanard,et al.  Multimedia document engineering in MCF , 2002, DocEng '02.

[6]  Henry A. Kautz,et al.  Constraint Propagation Algorithms for Temporal Reasoning , 1986, AAAI.

[7]  Nabil Layaïda,et al.  Madeus, and authoring environment for interactive multimedia documents , 1998, MULTIMEDIA '98.

[8]  Liliana Ardissono,et al.  An adaptive system for the personalized access to news , 2001, AI Commun..

[9]  Rafael Berlanga Llavori,et al.  A temporal object-oriented model for digital libraries of documents , 2001, Concurr. Comput. Pract. Exp..

[10]  Patrick Sénac,et al.  Modeling Logical and Temporal Synchronization in Hypermedia Systems , 1996, IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun..

[11]  Lloyd Rutledge,et al.  Anticipating SMIL 2.0: The Developing Cooperative Infrastructure for Multimedia on the Web , 1999, Comput. Networks.

[12]  Muriel Jourdan,et al.  Authoring techniques for temporal scenarios of multimedia documents , 1999 .

[13]  Howard Bowman,et al.  Specification and Prototyping of Structured Multimedia Documents using Interval Temporal Logic , 2000 .

[14]  Rittwik Jana,et al.  Personalized multimedia services using a mobile service platform , 2002, 2002 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference Record. WCNC 2002 (Cat. No.02TH8609).

[15]  Frank M. Shipman,et al.  Navigable history: a reader's view of writer's time , 2000, New Rev. Hypermedia Multim..

[16]  Lloyd Rutledge,et al.  Finding the story: broader applicability of semantics and discourse for hypermedia generation , 2003, HYPERTEXT '03.

[17]  Lloyd Rutledge,et al.  Do you have the time? Composition and linking in time-based hypermedia , 1999, Hypertext.

[18]  Simon J. Thompson,et al.  Modeling Reactive Multimedia: Events and Behaviors , 2004, Multimedia Tools and Applications.

[19]  J. Étienne La mémoire, l'histoire, l'oubli , 2001 .

[20]  Y. Jeanneret Communication, transmission, un couple orageux , 2002 .

[21]  Sylvie Ranwez,et al.  Adaptive narrative abstraction , 1998, HYPERTEXT '98.

[22]  Lynda Hardman,et al.  Modelling and authoring hypermedia documents , 1998 .

[23]  Marjorie C. Luesebrink The moment in hypertext: a brief lexicon of time , 1998, HYPERTEXT '98.

[24]  Jocelyne Nanard,et al.  Media construction formalism specifying abstractions for multimedia scenario design , 2000, New Rev. Hypermedia Multim..

[25]  Andrzej Duda,et al.  Interval expressions-a functional model for interactive dynamic multimedia presentations , 1996, Proceedings of the Third IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems.

[26]  É. Benveniste Problèmes de linguistique générale , 1968 .

[27]  Allen Newell,et al.  The psychology of human-computer interaction , 1983 .

[28]  Jean-Marie Pinon,et al.  User Modeling and Instance Reuse for Information Retrieval Study Case: Visually Disabled Users Access to Scientific Documents , 2002, FLAIRS Conference.

[29]  Ben C. Moszkowski,et al.  Executing temporal logic programs , 1986, Seminar on Concurrency.

[30]  Ian E. Smith,et al.  HyperCafe: narrative and aesthetic properties of hypervideo , 1996, HYPERTEXT '96.

[31]  Adrian Miles Hypertext Syntagmas: Cinematic Narration with Links , 2001, J. Digit. Inf..

[32]  Eelco Herder,et al.  Personalized Adaptation to Device Characteristics , 2002, AH.

[33]  James F. Allen Time and time again: The many ways to represent time , 1991, Int. J. Intell. Syst..

[34]  Nabil Layaïda,et al.  Madeus: an authoring environment for interactive multimedia documents , 1997, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems.

[35]  Tihao Chiang,et al.  Dynamic frame rate control for video streams , 1999, MULTIMEDIA '99.

[36]  James Clark,et al.  XSL Transformations (XSLT) Version 1.0 , 1999 .

[37]  M. Foucault,et al.  L'archéologie du savoir , 1970 .

[38]  Lloyd Rutledge,et al.  The link vs. the event: activating and deactivating elements in time-based hypermedia , 2000, New Rev. Hypermedia Multim..