Substituted aluminum and zinc quinolates with blue-shifted absorbance/luminescence bands: Synthesis and spectroscopic, photoluminescence, and electroluminescence characterization

Two novel lumophores based on aluminum and zinc metallo-8-hydroxyquinolates have been prepared as electroluminescent materials, and their absorbance, photoluminescence, and electroluminescence properties compared with unsubstituted versions of these same complexes. 8-Hydroxy-5-piperidinylquinolinesulfonamide (1) was synthesized in order to add an electron-withdrawing substituent at the 5-position in 8-hydroxyquinoline, increasing the solubility of the corresponding metal quinolate complexes in nonpolar solvents, and producing a blue-shift in the emission wavelength maximum, relative to complexes formed from the unsubstituted compound. The aluminum complex (Al(QS)3) and the zinc complex (Zn(QS)2) of 1 were compared with the aluminum and zinc complexes of unsubstituted 8-hydroxyquinoline (AlQ3 and ZnQ2), both as solutions and as pure thin films, or as poly(N-vinylcarbazole) (PVK) thin films doped with the metal quinolates. Ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy data are presented to assist in estimating the...