A new biomedical engineering study program adopted at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of University of Ljubljana

In the last years, the field of biomedical engineering (BME) has been one of the fastest growing and developing engineering fields, world-wide. It also has an important and long-lasting tradition at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of University of Ljubljana in both research and education. During the recent process of renewal of the current study programs to comply with the Bologna declaration the BME field has been adopted as a 2nd cycle study program. It will be offered to the students for the first time in the study year 2012/13. Preparations for the new BME study program have been running in parallel with the activities of an international project on modernization and harmonization of BME programs in Europe. One of the main objectives of this project (Tempus IV Joint Project: Curriculum Reformation and Harmonisation in the field of Biomedical Engineering – CRH-BME) is to propose the guidelines for updating the existing and formation of new BME study programs. The new BME study program adopted at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering complies with the CRH-BME recommendations.