A D&T Roundtable: Online Test
Online testing has been a known field for sometime now. However, to-
day’s situation with online testing may be a little bit different than it was in
the past. With the nanometer technologies, we may see more soft errors
that cause problems. The goal of this roundtable is to analyze where on-
line test was and where future technologies are going.
thanks participants Jacob A. Abraham (Univ. of Texas at Austin),
Miron Abramovici (Bell Labs), Silvano Motto (CAEN Microeletronica), Isaac
Levendel (Motorola), and Michael Nicolaidis (TIMA). Our moderator was
Yervant Zorian (LogicVision). Also attending were Lorena Anghel (TIMA)
and Fabian Vargas (Puers, Brazil).
Roundtable Editor Kaushik Roy
(Purdue Univ.) organized the event.
The roundtable was held at the Fourth IEEE International On-Line Testing
Workshop in July 1998.
thanks the workshop for hosting it.