Spray Detonation Initiation by Controlled Triggering of Electric Dischargers

Experimental studies of single-pulse and multipulse confined detonations of liquid n-hexane spray in air initiated by successively triggered electric dischargers are presented. Similarly to a single-pulse mode, the multipulse operation mode shows the resonant dependence of the detonation initiation energy on the time delay between triggering the dischargers. There is a potential for considerable decrease in the detonation initiation energy with decreasing tube diameter and mounting of a turbulizing spiral between the dischargers. The technique is considered promising for pulse-detonation engine applications. Nomenclature C1, C2 = capacitances of the main discharge of the dischargers D1 and D2 E = discharge energy Ecr = critical energy of detonation initiation E p = energy of the primary (initiating) discharge J1, J2 = discharge currents for the dischargers D1 and D2 t1, t2, t3 = shock wave arrival times at pressure transducers PT1, PT2, and PT3, respectively U = discharge voltage Ui