Crime and social exclusion

1. Editorial Introduction: Catherine Jones Finer and Mike Nellis. 2. Creating a Safer Society: David Donnison. 3. Linking Housing Changes to Crime: Alan Murie. 4. The Local Politics of Inclusion: the State and Community Safety: John Pitts and Tim Hope. 5. Dangerous Futures: Social Exclusion and Youth Work in Late Modernity: Alan France and Paul Wiles. 6. Anti--racism and the Limits of Equal Opportunities Policies in the Criminal Justice System: David Denney. 7. Probation and Social Exclusion: David Smith and John Stewart. 8. Criminal Policy and the Eliminative Ideal: Andrew Rutherford. 9. Framing the Other: Criminality, Social Exclusion and Social Engineering in Developing Singapore: John Clammer. 10. The New Social Policy in Britain: Catherine Jones Finer.