. Protein kinase Cα (PKCα) Regulates Bone Architecture and Osteoblast Activity*. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 289(37), 25509-25522

Background: Roles of the multifunctional kinase PKC (cid:2) in bone are unknown. Results: Female Prkca (cid:2) / (cid:2) mice form bone in their medullary cavities associated with higher osteoblastic differentiation. Bone and spleen changes in Prkca (cid:2) / (cid:2) mice resemble features of Gaucher disease. Conclusion: PKC (cid:2) regulates osteoblast differentiation and bone architecture. Significance: PKC (cid:2) -targeting therapies may benefit low bone mass conditions, including Gaucher disease and osteoporosis. Bones’ strength is achieved and maintained through adaptation to load bearing. The role of the protein kinase PKC (cid:2) in this processhasnotbeenpreviouslyreported.However,weobserved a phenotype in the long bones of Prkca (cid:3) / (cid:3) female but not male mice, in which bone tissue progressively invades the medullary cavity in the mid-diaphysis. This bone deposition progresses with age and is prevented by disuse but unaffected by ovariectomy. Castration of male Prkca (cid:3) / (cid:3) but not WT mice results in the formation of small amounts of intramedullary bone. Osteoblast differentiation

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