0.5MJ Targets for an IFE Fusion Test Facility

Submitted for the DPP06 Meeting of The American Physical Society 0.5MJ Targets for an IFE Fusion Test Facility K.N. LAFORTUNE, L.J. PERKINS, P. BEDROSSIAN, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, R. BETTI, LLE/University of Rochester, A. SCHMITT, S. OBENSCHAIN, Naval Research Laboratory — There has been much recent progress in the development of both the source and targets for laser-driven, inertial confinement fusion (ICF). The next step to apply this approach to inertial fusion energy (IFE) is to build a facility that has all the required components of a reactor and demonstrates the reliability and robustness. The Fusion Test Facility proposed by NRL is one such facility [S.Obenschain, Bull. APS v50, 2005]. The cost, complexity and scale of any fusion test facility are driven by the energy required for the fusion target. As the lasertarget physics has become better understood, target geometries that require less drive energy have been found. Using conventional hotspot ignition, rad-hydro-burn simulations using HYDRA of low-drive-energy, direct-drive reactor targets requiring just 0.5 MJ of drive energy to achieve gain of 10’s are being studied. 1-D scoping studies have been performed to outline the source requirements. Good agreement with comprehensive, time-dependent 1-D simulations in LASNEX has been obtained for integral quantities such as gain, yield and ignition margins. The robustness of the small targets has been explored with 2-D stability studies. Shock ignition of similar targets could be employed to achieve yet higher gains with similar drive energies. John Perkins Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Date submitted: 21 Jul 2006 Electronic form version 1.4