Hippocampal place fields : relevance to learning and memory

Historical Perspective: Place cells in Ann Arbor and Brooklyn PART I. PLACE CELLS AND SPATIAL CONTEXT 1. The hippocampus and context revisited 2. A context for hippocampal place cells during learning 3. Context-dependent firing of hippocampal place cells: does it underlie memory? 4. The place cells - cognitive map or memory system? 5. Context-specific versus context-invariant spatial coding in the hippocampal formation: Implications for episodic memory 6. The roles of hippocampal subfields in processing spatial contexts of events: Neurophysiological and behavioral analyses 7. Plasticity, attention, and the stabilization of hippocampal representations 8. What do place cells tell us about learning to associate and learning to segregate? 9. Do place cells guide spatial behaviors? 10. Place cells identify hippocampus with location-specific construction of mental images 11. Hippocampal neuronal activity and memory: Should we still be talking about place cells? PART II: PRIMATE HIPPOCAMPUS AND PLACE REPRESENTATION 12. Place-differential neural responses in the monkey hippocampal formation during real and virtual navigation 13. Spatial view cells in the primate hippocampus, and memory 14. Learning, memory, and the monkey hippocampus PART III. NEURAL SYSTEMS PERSPECTIVE ON SIGNIFICANCE OF PLACE FIELDS 15. Entorhinal grid cells and the neural basis of navigation 16. Neocortical influences on hippocampal place cells 17. Spatial learning and the selectivity of hippocampal place fields: Modulation of by dopamine 18. Spatial decisions and neuronal activity in hippocampal projection zones in prefrontal cortex and striatum PART IV. THEORETICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF PLACE FIELDS 19. Hippocampal theta rhythm and memory-guided behavior 20. Network analysis of the significance of hippocampal subfields 21. Storage of the distance between place cell firing fields in the strength of plastic synapses with a novel learning rule PART V. PLACE FIELDS AND AGE-RELATED CHANGES IN MEMORY 22. Hippocampal place cells as a window into age-related memory impairments 23. Aging ensembles: circuit contributions to memory deficits