Establishing HP/LP-EGR System and Founding Operating Strategy of Low Temperature Combustion Engine to Improve Fuel Consumption

Abstract : This study researched on the effect of HP/LP-EGR system to improve fuel consumption of Low Temperature Combustion Engine. Firstly, low temperature combustion engine with HP/LP-EGR system was established using 6.0L wastegate turbocharger HDDI engine. And suppliable EGR rate of the engine was proven to be enough to realize stable low temperature combustion. Then, optimum operating strategy was founded to develop fuel consumption of the engine. Control parameters were HP/LP-EGR valve and IPCV(Intake Pressure Control Valve) duty. Experiments method was that characteristics of the engine were measured and analyzed according to HP/LP-EGR strategies while EGR rate was fixed. Operating range for the strategy were divided into three parts, low load for low temperature combustion, high load for conventional diesel combustion, and transient condition.Finally, with the above strategy of this study, BSFC of the engine was improved about 2% compared to the base engine, and emission level, NOx and PM, met Tier4Final emission regulation.Key words : DI engine( w®uþkqn™ sAw± ), HP-EGR( ZIsB j\u™p „E ), LP-EGR( uisB j\u™p „E ), Low temperature combustion( uitsÝoy ), Turbocharger( jazui ), Exhaust pressure( j\sBf ), Intake pressure( N\sBf ), BSFC( v aAEsÝf¹oyl1u ), PMEP( yƒ>o}pN )