Robust passively mode-locked 1.3&mgr;m quantum dot lasers with low timing jitter

Mode-locked semiconductor lasers have great promise for many emerging applications if they can be made sufficiently robust. Typical performance requirements are 1-10 ps pulses with timing jitter ~1 ps and 1-10 GHz repetition rates with peak powers 10-100 mW. Here we consider pulse width and timing jitter in passively mode-locked two-section InAs quantum-dot lasers emitting at 1310 nm. We have identified two distinct, extensive mode-locked regions with robust short pulses and low timing jitter. A record combination of 2 ps pulses and 20 fs/cycle timing jitter (500 fs, from 1-100 MHz), with 100 mW peak power per facet is demonstrated. The implications for practical systems design are discussed.