The S-DALINAC Polarized Injector SPIN - Performance and Results

At the superconducting 130 MeV Darmstadt electron linac S-DALINAC the new source of polarized electrons uses a GaAs cathode illuminated with pulsed Ti:Sapphire and diode laser light. The electron source had been set up and commissioned at a test stand with a beam line where aW ienfilter for spin manipulation, a Mott polarimeter for polarization measurement and a chopper-prebuncher system were part of the system. Upon completion of the tests, test stand and beam line were dismantled and re-installed at the S-DALINAC. The new photo injector opens up the potential for experiments with polarized electron and photon beams for nuclear structure studies at low momentum transfers. Various polarimeters will be installed at all experimental sites to monitor the beam polarization. We report on the S-DALINAC, the results from the teststand performance, the implementation of the polarized source and the polarimeter research and development.