Can sinusoidal vernier acuity be predicted by contrast discrimination?

A test-pedestal approach, with a test grating superimposed on a masking pedestal, was used to compare sinusoidal grating vernier acuity and contrast discrimination thresholds. The goal is to develop a simple model for vernier acuity without assumptions about underlying mechanisms. In the contrast discrimination task, subjects were asked to detect contrast increments in the presence of a base pedestal. In the vernier task, a test grating shifted by 90 deg relative to the pedestal grating was added to one-half of the pedestal grating to produce a vernier offset. When expressed in the same contrast units and compared under optimal conditions, vernier and contrast discrimination thresholds agree well at spatial frequencies between 2 and 20 c/deg and at pedestal contrasts above 10 times detection threshold. Thus, under these conditions, contrast discrimination predicts grating vernier acuity. To account for the discrepancies between vernier thresholds and contrast just noticeable difference (JND) when conditions deviate from optimal, one needs to make assumptions about the underlying mechanisms.

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