HLA/RTI 시스템에서 합성전장환경 기반의 항공 교전 시뮬레이션 모델 구축 프레임워크
This paper proposes a framework to construct the synthetic battlefield based aviation engagement simulation model for the distributed system. The proposed framework has the synthetic battlefield in the HLA (High Level Architecture)/RTI (Run-Time Infrastructure) based distributed system to reflect environmental effects into the aviation engagement simulation model. In an aviation engagement, the environment affects weapon systems such as detection and movement. Therefore, environmental effects are required to be reflected in the simulation. However, former researches are inadequate for complex operations of weapon systems that are requirements of the engagement simulation. Thus, the construction of the engagement simulation system of which reflects environmental effects based on environmental data is still difficult. The main objective of this paper is to propose a framework to solve the difficulty and constructs an example system based on the proposed framework.
[1] 이재관,et al. 무선 센서 네트워크에서 확률적 투표 기반 여과 기법의 에너지 효율성을 위한 퍼지 로직 시스템 기반의 다음 이웃 노드 선택 기법 , 2013 .