Clinical and Cephalometric Analysis of Facial Soft Tissue

Objective: This study aimed to provide average of standard values in planning orthognathic surgery in Asians. Materials and Methods: Thirty-three Asians with well-balanced facial profile, combined with class I occlusion and stabilized condylar head were evaluated using lateral cephalograms. Results: Facial length (Nasion′–Menton′) was 138.8 and 127.0 mm in male and female, respectively. Upper and lower lip length were 24.5 and 49.8 mm for male, and 22.2 and 45.1 mm for female, and maxillary incisor exposure was 2.0 and 4.0 mm in male and female, respectively. Nasolabial angle was 77.7° and 84.1° in male and female, respectively. Alar base, A point′, and maxillary incisor were placed posteriorly to true vertical line by 10.6, 1.0, and 8.0 mm for male and 9.0, 0.8, and 6.9 mm for female. The horizontal distance between upper lip anterior and lower lip anterior was 2.1 mm for male and 2.6 mm for female, and the horizontal distance between A point′ and B point′ was 5.3 mm for male and 3.9 mm for female. Orbital rim′ to A-point′ was 12.4 and 11.3 mm in male and female, respectively. Pogonion′ located posteriorly to glabella′ by 2.7 mm for male and anteriorly to glabella′ by 3.2 mm for female, and facial angle was 156.7° and 147.0° in male and female, respectively. Conclusions: This quantitative analysis of facial profile in Asian will be helpful in evaluation of facial soft tissue and establishment of treatment plans for orthognathic surgery.

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