REO: Requirements Engineering Ontology Spectrum Analysis of Requirements Engieering Knowledge and Its Practical Application

In this paper, we propose a Requirements Engineering Ontology (REO). We reviewed three well-known Bodies of Knowledge (BoKs) on requirements engineering: BABOK, SWEBOK, and REBOK. Based on the review, we compiled the REO as an organized set of knowledge of the requirements engineering. With the REO, we propose "knowledge spectrum analysis", a technique to analyze and visualize the distribution of knowledge in technical documents. As a practical application of the REO, we conduct two case studies on the knowledge spectrum analysis. First, we evaluate three BoKs (i.e., BABOK, SWEBOK, and BABOK) using the REO. Second, we utilize the REO to survey a set of technical documents for corporate-wide methodology for business modeling at NTT DATA. Based on the results of the case studies, we demonstrate the effectiveness of the REO.