Conceptualisation of the consultancy pricing paradox

Purpose – Despite widespread demand for consultants and especially within the surveying profession, driving forces of service/pricing/quality are not fully understood and have received minimal research attention. The purpose of this paper is to review contemporary knowledge in this field, highlighting en route the dilemmas of the consultancy pricing paradox.Design/methodology/approach – Methodology is of axiological, philosophical tradition – induction and inference, generalized concepts and theories. A critique of extant literature underpins a theoretical pricing problem framework, a future research agenda, and a model of the pricing paradox.Findings – The study elucidates paradoxical aspects regarding value perceptions, objectives, strategies, cost recovery, competition and systematic processes. It conceptually models the dilemma of service pricing and suggests a research agenda based on process and value, nature of service, competence and branding.Research limitations/implications – The formalisation o...

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