Life beyond Si: More Moore or More than Moore?

As the semiconductor industry accelerates on a collision course with physical and electrical roadblocks on the scaling roadmap, non-Si materials and non-traditional devices are increasingly being considered for heterogeneous integration on silicon CMOS platforms. High-k metal gates and Ge/III–V high mobility channels are some examples of materials under consideration. In addition, strong interest in low power technologies, coupled with need for increased functional diversity at the chip and system level, has lead to the investigation of devices such as MEMS integrated with CMOS and tunneling FET devices. These trends raise critical process and integration challenges, not only in making dissimilar - sometimes outright incompatible - materials and devices work seamlessly, but also in the characterization and reliability assessment. Industry trends, potential solutions around road blocks, outlook for Moore's law driven scaling vs. More than Moore options, opportunities, and gaps were discussed.