NMAP 7.0 User's Manual

Abstract : NMAP 7.0 is the most current version of the Department of Defense (DOD) computer program suite for the modeling of aircraft noise from aircraft flight and static events at an airbase. This report describes the features of the NOISEMAP (NMAP) 7.0 computer program and its operation. The entire suite encompassed by NMAP 7.0 includes several different programs. The three primary IBM-compatible PC-based programs in the suite are BASEOPS 7.0, NMAP 7.0, and NMPLOT 4.2. The report shows the relationship of these primary programs to the other secondary programs, as well as the conceptual flow of data. BASEOPS is used to enter all aircraft operational data including number of flight and static events, flight and static profiles, flight tracks, etc. NMAP is the computational module. This module accepts the data entered in the BASEOPS program, and estimates noise levels caused by aircraft events at many points on the ground in the airbase vicinity. NMPLOT is used to draw lines of equal noise level (noise contours) to determine the overall noise exposure and related environmental impacts (from aircraft and other sources).