The Roadmap and Future of UML Research in China

At present, UML has gained comprehensively concern in computer science and engineering, and found wide application. To study the research situation and future of UML in China, this article firstly employed frequency statistics to count the frequency of 2940 papers related with UML area published from year 2001 to 2008 in Chinese famous CNKI database, then defined the high frequency keywords and their changes. The result indicated that ‘OO’, ‘Modeling’, ‘Use case’, ‘Class diagram’, ‘Software engineering’, ‘Software architecture’, ‘XML’ and so forth, are the high frequency words that gain the most attention. And concerns have increased towards ‘MDA’, ‘Use case diagram’ and ‘Ontology’, while decreased towards ‘Object’, ‘OO’, ‘Software engineering’, ‘OOA’ and ‘OOD’. Generally speaking, the study area of UML in China is wide and deep.