Multimedia Case Studies in Software Engineering: A Look at MDM CAP: A Case Authoring Platform for Education and Training
Multimedia Case Studies in Software Engineering: A Look at MDM CAP: A Case Authoring Platform for Education and Training Gil Taran Carnegie Mellon University Vasudeva Varma, Kirti Garg IIIT Hyderabad, Session Description Case studies are a powerful teaching technique and an effective way to learn about how to make decisions on software projects and how to analyze and learn from real life scenarios. Multimedia cases provide an even more captivating way for learners to use the case study approach through an engaging interactive experience that enhances learning and makes it more enjoyable. A recent project at Carnegie Mellon University developed an authoring platform for case studies. Its goal was to provide academics and industry professionals alike with a framework and tool set to create various types of multimedia case studies with enhanced user interaction and decision making capabilities. IIIT Hyderabad has been using case studies as learning and teaching tools for SE education. Action research at IIIT Hyderabad has confirmed the effectiveness of case studies for teaching SE. In this session educators and trainers will be exposed to creating multimedia cases using the MDM-CAP tool developed for that purpose. Participants will be able to choose between creating a sequential case or a “choose your own adventure” case where decisions have to be made by learners in every step of the way. Session Objectives Participants will: • Understand how to use case studies, in various formats (sequential and adventure) in the classroom for teaching software engineering. • Create case studies using the MDM CAP authoring tool and then see how it would look to a student using the viewer platform 22nd Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training