In construction, many owners mitigate the risk of unforeseen contractor default by accepting only bonded contractors who must endure a rigorous evaluation process by surety brokers and surety underwriters. This evaluation process includes a financial analysis and a review of work on hand and past performance, all of which have reliable structured methods for their evaluation. Additionally, a number of subjective criteria are considered that are more difficult to capture and assess objectively but which can be modeled effectively using fuzzy logic. The purpose of this paper is to illustrate how fuzzy logic and expert systems can be combined to provide a structured approach to evaluating contractors for surety underwriting purposes. Fuzzy logic is used to model both the objective and subjective factors considered in contractor evaluation using linguistic terms, and expert rules are used to capture the surety experts’ reasoning process. A fuzzy expert system, SuretyAssist, is presented that can be used to pr...
David Arditi,et al.
Managing Owner’s Risk of Contractor Default
Foad Farid,et al.
Financial Performance Analysis for Construction Industry
Jeffrey S. Russell,et al.
Predicting Contract Surety Bond Claims Using Contractor Financial Data
Jeffrey S. Russell,et al.
Predicting Construction Contractor Failure Prior to Contract Award
Osama Moselhi,et al.
Project-network analysis using fuzzy sets theory
Jeffrey S. Russell,et al.
Quantitative study of contractor evaluation programs and their impact
Roozbeh Kangari,et al.
Aminah Robinson Fayek,et al.
Development of a Fuzzy Expert System for Surety Underwriting