1. Introduction. Let N ≥ 1 be an integer and let X 0 (N) be the modular curve over Q which corresponds to the modular group Γ 0 (N). As a defining equation of X 0 (N) we have the so-called modular equation of level N. It has many good properties, e.g. it reflects the defining property of X 0 (N), it is the coarse moduli space of the isomorphism classes of the generalized elliptic curves with a cyclic subgroup of order N. But its degree and coefficients are too large to be applied to practical calculations on X 0 (N). While it is an important problem to determine the algebraic points on X 0 (N), we need a more manageable defining equation, which will also help to solve other related problems. In the case of a hyperelliptic modular curve, a kind of normal form of a defining equation is given by N. Murabayashi ([9]) and M. Shimura ([13]). In this paper, we give a relation between the modular equation of level N and the normal form in the case of a hyperelliptic modular curve X 0 (N) except for N = 40, 48. First recall that the modular equation of level N is written in the following form: where j is the modular invariant, j N (z) = j(N z), and z is the natural coordinate on H. Since X 0 (N) is hyperelliptic, it can be written in the following normal form: y 2 = f (x), f (T) ∈ Q[T ], deg f = 2g + 2, where x is a covering map of degree two from X 0 (N) to P 1 and g is the genus of X 0 (N). In this case, we obtain the following relation: j = (A(x) + B(x)y)/C(x), A(x), B(x), C(x)(= 0) ∈ Q(x). When the genus of X 0 (N) is 0, R. Fricke gave the expression for j (see [3]), and N. D. Elkies did the same when the curve X 0 (N) is elliptic or hyperelliptic where N is a prime number other than 37 ([2]). We are interested in X 0 (N) for the 19 particular values of N for which the modular curve X 0 (N) is hyperelliptic. We extend Elkies' work. We give the expression for j for 17 values of N ; to be specific, the cases N = 40, 48 are excluded. …
Mahoro Shimura.
Defining Equations of Modular Curves $X_0(N)$
N. Murabayashi.
On normal forms of modular curves of genus 2
Automorphism groups of the modular curves $X_0(N)$
F. Momose.
Rational points on the modular curves $X_{\mathrm {split}}(p)$
A. Pizer,et al.
An algorithm for computing modular forms on Γ0(N)
Barry Mazur,et al.
Rational points on modular curves
H. Hijikata.
Explicit formula of the traces of Hecke operators for $\Gamma_{0}(N)$
A. Ogg.
Hyperelliptic modular curves
M. Yamauchi.
On the traces of Hecke operators for a normalizer of $\Gamma_0(N)$
Marvin Tretkoff,et al.
Introduction to the Arithmetic Theory of Automorphic Functions
志村 五郎,et al.
Introduction to the arithmetic theory of automorphic functions
A. Atkin,et al.
Hecke operators on Γ0(m)
R. Fricke.
Die elliptischen Funktionen und ihre Anwendungen