The comprehensive frailty assessment instrument: development, validity and reliability.

Population aging forces governments to change their policy on elderly care. Older people, even if they are frail and disabled, are motivated to stay in their own homes and environment for as long as possible. Consequently, the early detection of frail older persons is appropriate to avoid adverse outcomes. Several instruments to detect frailty exist, but none use environmental indicators. This study addresses the development and psychometric properties of the Comprehensive Frailty Assessment Instrument (CFAI). This new self-reporting instrument includes physical, psychological, social and environmental domains. The CFAI showed good fit indices and a high reliability. The underlying structure of the CFAI demonstrates the multidisciplinary nature of frailty. Using the CFAI can stimulate nurses and other community healthcare providers toward a more holistic approach of frailty and can guide them to take appropriate interventions to prevent adverse outcomes such as disabilities or hospitalization.

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