Reliability in computational mechanics : proceedings of the Workshop on Reliability in Computational Mechanics, Lakeway, Austin, Texas, U.S.A., October 1989

On the use of hierarchical models in engineering analysis (K.J. Bathe et al.). A discourse on the stability conditions for mixed finite element formulations (F. Brezzi, K.J. Bathe). A posteriori error estimation (R.E. Ewing). Parallel computation with adaptive methods for elliptic and hyperbolic systems (M. Benantar et al.). The three R's of engineering analysis and error estimation and adaptivity (O.C. Zienkiewicz, J.Z. Zhu). Factors affecting reliability of computer solutions with hierarchical single surface constitutive models (C.S. Desai et al.). The use of a priori estimates in engineering computations (B.A. Szabo). The problem of modeling the elastomechanics in engineering (I. Babuska). A posteriori error analysis in finite elements: The element residual method for symmetrizable problems with applications to compressible euler and Navier-Stokes equations (J.T. Oden et al.). A priori estimates for mixed finite element methods for the wave equation (L.C. Cowsar et al.). Accuracy and adaptivity in the numerical analysis of thin-walled structures (L. Plank et al.). Framework for the reliable generation and control of analysis idealizations (M.S. Shepard et al.). Mixed finite element methods for elliptic problems (D. Arnold). Adaptive finite element methods for diffusion and convection problems (C. Johnson). A posteriori error estimates for the Stokes equations: A comparison (R. Bank, B.D. Welfert). Predictor-corrector procedures for stress and free vibration analyses of multilayered composite plates and shells (A.K. Noor et al.). Adaptive grids for coupled viscous flow and transport (K.C. Wang, G.F. Carey). Author index. Subject index.