Prediction of the properties of gas dispersions (e.g., bubble size) generated by porous spargers requires a knowledge of the pore diameter. Three methodologies for determination of an equivalent pore diameter De of a rigid SS sparger of the type used in column flotation have been developed. In the first, De is determined by fitting the bubble diameter predicted by the Kumar/Kuloor model to that measured. In the second, an estimation of bubble diameter is substituted. Estimation was tested using drift flux analysis and Molerus' uniform bubbling model: the former gave acceptable agreement with the measured. Fitting to the estimated bubble diameter offers a simplification over using the measured bubble diameter. The third approach was a further simplification. By combining the Kumar/Kuloor model with drift flux analysis, De is estimated by fitting predicted to measured gas holdup. The methodologies are evaluated on a set of SS spargers using water with a flotation frother, Dowforth 250C. All three methodologies give similiar estimates of De.
La prediction des proprietes des dispersions de gaz (p.ex., taille des bulles) generees par des aerateurs poreux demande que le diametre des pores soit connu. On a elabore trois methodoogies pour la determination d'un diametre de pores equivalent De d'un aerateur SS rigide semblable a celui utilise dans la flottation en colonnes. Dans le premier cas, De est determine par calage du diametre des bulles predit parle modele Kumar/Kuloor au diametre mesure. Dans le deuxieme cas, on a recours plutot a une estimation du diametre des bulles. L'estimation a ete testee par l'analyse des flux secondaires et le modele bouillonnant uniforme de Molerus: la premiere donne un accord acceptable avec le diametre mesure. Le calage avec le diametre de bulles estime offre une simplification par rapport a l'utilisation du diametre de bulles mesure. Le troisieme cas offre une simplification encore plus grande. En combinant le modele Kumar/Kuloor et l'analyse des flux secondaires, De est estime par calage de la retention de gaz predite a celle qui est mesuree. Ces methodologies sont evaluees sur un ensemble d'aerateurs SS utilisant de l'eau avec un agent moussant de flottation Dowfroth a 250°C. Les trois methodes donnent des estimations de De comparables.
Rajinder Kumar,et al.
Studies in bubble formation-II bubble formation under constant pressure conditions
Manqiu Xu,et al.
Simplification of bubble size estimation in a bubble swarm
Jacob H. Masliyah,et al.
]Hindered settling in a multi-species particle system
J. F. Richardson,et al.
Sedimentation and fluidisation: Part I
James A. Finch,et al.
Bubble size estimation in a bubble swarm
James A. Finch,et al.
Estimation of Bubble Diameter in Flotation Columns from Drift Flux Analysis
B. Bowonder,et al.
Studies in bubble formation - IV: bubble formation at porous discs
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Bubble formation at an orifice in a viscous liquid
L. Nikolov,et al.
Free rising spheres do not obey newton's law for free settling
James A. Finch,et al.
Technical note reconciliation of bubble size estimation methods using drift flux analysis
Rajinder Kumar,et al.
Studies in bubble formation—I bubble formation under constant flow conditions
A. R. Laplante,et al.
The effect of air flow rate on the kinetics of flotation. Part 1: The transfer of material from the slurry to the froth