Gamification of Declarative Process Models for Learning and Model Verification

Recently, a surge in the use of declarative process models has been witnessed. These constraint-driven models excel at representing and enacting flexible and adaptable decision processes in application areas such as scheduling and workflow management. This work examines the intricacies of the most widespread declarative process language, Declare, which are commonly referred to as hidden dependencies. These dependencies typically increase the steepness of the learning curve of Declare models and making them explicit can lower the threshold for modelers to use Declare in a sense-making and intuitive way. This work proposes a way to gamify Declare models for novice users by annotating such models with extra constraint and dependency information, and feedback. Hence, it offers the ability of discovering Declare and its intricacies in a game-like fashion which lowers the threshold for learning these cognitively demanding models, as well as to use them for assessing modeling efforts by verifying that the desired behavior is present.

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