지열원 물대공기 멀티 히트펌프의 냉방 운전 특성에 관한 실증 연구
The aim of this study is to investigate the cooling performance of ground source multi-heat pump systems with a vertical single U-tube GLHX(U-tube system) and a vertical double tube GLHX(double tube system), which were installed in a school building located in Cheonan. All systems were operated in a part load conditions for all day, and the maximum COP of the single U-tube system and the double tube system were 6.2 and 5.2 at cooling mode, respectively. The double tube GLHX designed by the GLHEPRO, commercial program, was estimated to have the same performance as the Ur tube GLHX, because the inlet temperatures of each outdoor unit heat exchanger for the former was similar to the latter. Howerver, it is needed to prove the long term performance. It is suggested that the new algorithms to control the flow rate of secondary fluid for GLHX according to load variation have to be developed in order to enhance the performance of the system.