Pluto’s first known moon, Charon, was discovered in 1978 1 and has a diameter about half that of Pluto2–4, which makes it larger relative to its primary than any other moon in the Solar System. Previous searches for other satellites around P luto have been unsuccessful 5–7, but they were not sensitive to objects ∼ <150 km in diameter and there are no fundamental reasons why Pluto should not have more satellites 6. Here we report the discovery of two additional moons around Pluto, provisionally designated S/2005 P1 (he reafter P1) and S/2005 P2 (hereafter P2), which makes Pluto the first Kuiper belt object (KBO) known to have multiple satellites. These new satellites are much smaller than Char on (diameter ∼1200 km), with P1 ranging in diameter from 60–165 km depending on the surfac e reflectivity, and P2 about 20% smaller than P1. Although definitive orbits cannot be derived, both new satellites appear to be moving in circular orbits in the same orbital planeas Charon, with orbital periods of ∼38 days (P1) and∼25 days (P2). The implications of the discovery of P1 and P2 fo r the origin and evolution of the Pluto system, and for the satelli te formation process in the Kuiper belt, are discussed in a companion paper 8. We observed Pluto with the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) using the Wide-Field Channel (WFC) mode of the Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) on UT 2005 May 15 and May 18 (Fig. 1). The ACS/WFC consists of two 4096 × 2048 pixel CCDs (WFC1 and WFC2) butted together, effectively forming a single 4096 × 4096 pixel camera with a gap of ∼50 pixels between the two CCDs. The F606W (“Broad V”) filter, which has a center wavelen gth of 591.8 nm and a width of 67.2 nm, was used for all images. At the time of the observatio ns, Pluto was 31.0 astronomical units (AU) from the sun, 30.1 AU from the Earth, and had a solar phase angle of 0.96 deg on May 15 and 0.88 deg on May 18. Identical strategies were emplo yed n each observing date. First, a single short exposure (0.5 s) was taken to enable acc urate positions of Pluto and Charon to be measured on unsaturated images. Then, two identical, l ong exposures (475 s) were taken at the same pointing to provide high sensitivity to faint obj ects. Finally, the telescope was moved by ∼5 pixels in one dimension and ∼60 pixels in the other dimension, and two identical, long exposures (475 s) were taken to provide data in the region of t he sky falling in the inter-chip gap during the first two long exposures. The telescope was progra mmed to track the apparent motion of Pluto (∼3 arcsec hr ) for all exposures. The two new satellites are detected with high signal-to-noi se ratio ( S/N ≥ 35) and have a spatial morphology consistent with the ACS point spread functi on (PSF; this is the spatial brightness
J. R. Donnison.
The size distribution of trans-Neptunian bodies
D. Terrell,et al.
New Constraints on Additional Satellites of the Pluto System
The Astronomical Journal.
H. Weaver,et al.
Characteristics and Origin of the Quadruple System at Pluto
H. Levato,et al.
The 11 July 2005 Charon stellar occultation
S. Alan Stern,et al.
Does the Pluto System Contain Additional Satellites
N. Benı́tez,et al.
The Photometric Performance and Calibration of the Hubble Space Telescope Advanced Camera for Surveys
Harold F. Levison,et al.
Dynamical and observational constraints on satellites in the inner Pluto-Charon system
Leslie A. Young,et al.
Bulk Properties and Atmospheric Structure of Pluto and Charon.
Marc W. Buie,et al.
Albedo maps of Pluto and Charon: Initial mutual event results
Uwe Fink,et al.
The albedos of Pluto and Charon - Wavelength dependence
S. Alan Stern,et al.
A search for distant satellites of Pluto
R. S. Harrington,et al.
The satellite of Pluto
H. N. Russell,et al.
On the Albedo of the Planets and Their Satellites.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.