Coulomb friction in twisting of biomimetic scale-covered substrate.

Biomimetic scale-covered substrates provide geometric tailorability via scale orientation, spacing and also interfacial properties of contact in various deformation modes. No work has investigated the effect of friction in twisting deformation of biomimetic scale-covered beams. In this work, we investigate the frictional effects in the biomimetic scale-covered structure by developing an analytical model verified by the finite element simulations. In this model, we consider dry (Coulomb) friction between rigid scales surfaces, and the substrate as the linear elastic rectangular beam. The obtained results show that the friction has a dual contribution on the system by advancing the locking mechanism due to change of mechanism from purely kinematic to interfacial behavior, and stiffening the twist response due to increase the engagement forces. We also discovered, by increasing the coefficient of friction using engineering scale surfaces to a critical coefficient, the system could reach to an instantaneous post-engagement locking. The developed model outlines analytical relationships between geometry, deformation, frictional force and kinematic energy, to design biomimetic scale-covered metamaterials for a wide range of application.


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