Preclinical Evaluation of Two Neutralizing Human Monoclonal Antibodies against Hepatitis C Virus (HCV): a Potential Treatment To Prevent HCV Reinfection in Liver Transplant Patients
E. Galun | A. Zauberman | O. Pappo | D. Landstein | R. Eren | S. Dagan | Z. Keck | S. Foung | E. Ilan | O. Nussbaum | S. Aviel | O. Jurim | R. Kovjazin | D. Terkieltaub | O. Ben-Moshe | J. Gopher | A. Eid | L. Neville | J. Ben-Porath | Rachel Buchnick | Z. Rosenthal-Galili | Y. Shoshany | T. Waisman | Alberto Kischitsky | Gidi Zamir | O. Ben‐Moshe | Arie Zauberman | Judith Ben-Porath