Building education : the role of the physical environment in enhancing teaching and research

1 INTRODUCTION Scope 2 CONTEXT Innovations and progress Insufficient investment Lack of educational research Capital spend and planning Changes in perception 3 SCHOOL BUILDINGS, BEHAVIOUR AND ATTAINMENT Social and organisational factors Environmental variables Causal linkages between school buildings and educational outcomes Summary and discussion 4 PARTICIPATION User participation in design projects Examples of participatory school design projects Making Fish: The St Jude's Future Environment Project School Works Building as educator - school as tool Ownership not occupation Linking curriculum to design Teachers as place makers Summary 5 OPENING UP THE SCHOOL Economics During school hours Out of school hours 6 SCHOOL BUILDING DESIGN AND INCLUSION OF STUDENTS WITH SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS AND DISABILITIES Context Design and the inclusive process 7 THE FUTURE OF SCHOOL BUILDING DESIGN Context Learning 'beyond the classroom' Information and communications technology Procurement Environment Need for flexibility and adaptability Creativity and the learning environment Summary of design principles for building education 8 USEFUL ORGANISATIONS