Characterizing adopters of automated lumber grading systems

In determining potential markets for scanning technology, specifically an automated lumber grading system, it is important to understand demographic differences that exist within the target market. The goal of this study was to characterize market segments in the secondary wood products industry likely to adopt automated lumber grading technology. Four segments (cabinet, furniture, dimension, and flooring manufacturers) were studied to identify and characterize differences between adopters and non-adopters of automated lumber grading technology. This information is important to manufacturers of scanning technology in marketing their products and to wood products manufacturers contemplating purchase of scanning technology. This study found that adopters of automated lumber grading technology were predominantly larger companies, both in terms of sales and number of employees. The majority of adopting firms reported annual sales in excess of $5 million and employed greater than 100 people. In addition, analysis showed that dimension and flooring manufacturers would benefit most from automated lumber grading technology due to higher lumber throughput volumes and higher lumber grading costs.