Mean Profile Depth를 이용한 아스팔트 포장의 타이어-노면소음 산정 연구

Distress data, IRI, etc. are important factors in the evaluation of pavement condition. Recently, the need to consider tire-pavement noise in PMS (pavement management system) is raised. Generally, tire-pavement noise highly depends on the characteristics of pavement texture. Therefore, estimation of texture characteristics may give useful information to predict tire-pavement noise. Measurement of MPD (Mean Profile Depth) by using PLP (Portable Laser Pro filer) provide very fast. The texture characteristics by means of MPD can be in a short time. hence, It can be a good alternative to give noise information, if MPD and tire-pavement noise have robust relationship. In this study, MPD and tire-pavement noise were simultaneously collected on the number of asphalt section to evaluate the tire-pavement noise due to the pavement texture characteristics. A set of statistical analysis was performed to propose relationship between tire-pavement noise and MPD for asphalt concrete pavement.